Manage Batches

Batches are created and managed in the Review & Transcripts module of OPEN DISCOVERY. After batches have been created, you can monitor their progress, view batch assignments, manually assign and unassign batches, set a batch timeout value and more. For information about how to create batches, see Create Review Passes and Batches. All batches created in a review pass display on the Batch Management window associated with that review pass. This topic covers tasks that you can complete to manage batches in OPEN DISCOVERY.

How Batches are Assigned

OPEN DISCOVERY assigns batches on a first-come, first-serve basis. This provides for a more fluid review experience. When a reviewer signs in to OPEN DISCOVERY and opens a review pass, they are automatically assigned the next available batch in the pool.

In the following image, the next available batch in the list is batch 1. A reviewer not currently working in a batch would get assigned batch 1 as a result. Batches are assigned in the order that corresponds to their Batch ID, with lower Batch IDs assigned first.

Open Batch Management

To navigate to the Batch Management window, perform the following instructions:

  1. Open the Review & Transcripts module from the home screen.

  2. Select the card associated with the required case. The Funnel graph and Review Passes display for the selected case.

  3. Click the button beneath the list of review passes to the right side of the funnel graph.
  4. The Visual Search dashboard opens. In the left navigation panel, select the Review Pass Management icon.

    The Review Pass Management area opens.

  5. AL-disabled and AL-enabled review passes are shown in the left pane. Select your review pass.

  6. From the Batch Information window, click the Manage Batches button to see the list of batches associated with the review pass.

    Note: The above image represents an Active Learning Disabled review pass. An Active Learning Enabled review pass does not have the option to Re-batch Unreviewed Docs.

    You can filter the batch table to display all completed batches or all non-completed batches by clicking the toggler above the table.

    Note: For instructions on how to create a review pass or batches, see Create Review Passes and Batches.

Set Case Batch Timeout

Case Batch Timeout specifies how many minutes can elapse with no reviewer activity before an assigned batch becomes unassigned and released back into the pool of available batches. For example, if the batch timeout value is set for 30 minutes, any assigned batch that goes 30 minutes without reviewer activity becomes unassigned and available for another reviewer to check out. The batch timeout setting applies to all batches in a case.

Note: Documents that have already been reviewed in the batch retain their "Reviewed" status. If a batch of 10 documents times out, and five of those documents have already been reviewed, the next reviewer to access that batch will see that those five documents have already been reviewed.

To set the Batch Timeout value:

  1. Navigate to the Batch Management window. See Open Batch Management.
  2. Select the pencil icon beside the Case Batch Timeout value, above the table of batches.

  3. The Case Batch Timeout dialog box appears. Input the number of minutes that can elapse with no reviewer activity before an assigned batch becomes unassigned and released back into the pool of available batches.

  4. Click OK. The Case Batch Timeout value is set for all batches in the case.

Assign Batches

Batches can be manually assigned in the Batch Management window.

To assign a batch:

  1. Navigate to the Batch Management window. See Open Batch Management.

  2. In the batches table, select the batch you would like to assign.

  3. With the batch selected, click the Assign button to the right of the table.

  4. Select the user from the list and click Assign.

  5. A message appears confirming the assignment.

Unassign Batches

Batches can be manually unassigned in the Batch Management window.

To unassign a batch:

  1. Navigate to the Batch Management window. See Open Batch Management.

  2. In the batches table, select the batch you would like to unassign.

  3. With the batch selected, click the Unassign button to the right of the table.

    The batch status changes from In Progress to Not Assigned and the batch becomes available for another reviewer to check out.

Open a Batch in Visual Search

Let's say you would like to inspect the documents contained in a specific batch. OPEN DISCOVERY provides a simple and easy method for opening a batch in the Visual Search dashboard. Doing so allows you to see the batch represented visually in a number of graphs, as well as to open and inspect the documents as required.

To open a batch in Visual Search:

  1. Navigate to the Batch Management window. See Open Batch Management.
  2. In the batches table, locate the batch you would like to open in Visual Search.
  3. Select the hyperlinked number in the Batch ID column.

  4. The batch opens in Visual Search. From here, you can use the tools available in the Visual Search dashboard to further inspect the documents in the batch. For more information about how to use the Visual Search dashboard, see Overview: Visual Search and Work With the Visual Search Dashboard.

Export Case Batch Report

You can download a report that details the progress reviewers are making on batches in a case. The Export Case Batch Report button, located in the top of the Batch Management window, downloads the report as a CSV file to your local machine. This report includes information about every batch that has been checked out and checked back in throughout the case. The following is an example of a case batch report:

Note: The case batch report, which you can export from the Batch Management window, can also be found in the Reports module as the Reviewer Batch History Details Report. See Reviewer Batch History Details Report for more information.

To download a case batch report, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Batch Management window. See Open Batch Management.
  2. Click the Export Case Batch Report button.

  3. The report downloads to your machine. Open the report by selecting the downloaded file at the bottom of your browser window, or by navigating to the Downloads folder of your local file explorer.


Related Topics

Overview: Review Passes

Manage Review Passes

Create Review Passes and Batches